10 Ways Pilates Can Nourish the Skin You're In

In recent weeks I have found peace in Pilates. After literally decades of being somewhat adverse to exercise and if I am being really honest, unable to stick to ANYTHING consistently as if by magic, just when I needed it the most - my day job means I am sat on my arse and the pounds after 3 years were piling on and a few aches were more noticeable and the twins have just started secondary school..(and breathe) Pilates comes along.



"Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness."

"In 10 sessions, you will feel the difference. In 20, you will see the difference. And in 30, you’ll be on your way to having a whole new body."

Joseph Pilates

Pilates in a nutshell

Joseph Pilates, the founder of Pilates (originally called Contrology), was a German-born physical trainer who developed the Pilates method in the early 20th century. Pilates was inspired by his own health challenges and dedicated his life to studying movement, anatomy, and rehabilitation.

His innovative approach focused on the mind-body connection, emphasising principles such as concentration, control, precision, breath, and flowing movement. Joseph Pilates believed that physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness and aimed to create a system that would not only strengthen the body but also improve mental and emotional well-being.

The psoas muscle, also known as the "muscle of the soul," plays a crucial role in both physical and emotional well-being and it seems is pretty key in Pilates. This deep core muscle connects the lower back to the legs and is often referred to as the "fight or flight" muscle due to its role in the body's stress response. When the psoas muscle is tight or restricted, it can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, and emotional tension. Pilates exercises that focus on strengthening and releasing the psoas can help alleviate these emotional imbalances, promoting a sense of calm and inner peace.

Pilates is often praised for its ability to cultivate mindfulness, body awareness, and emotional resilience. By incorporating breathing techniques, mindful movement, and relaxation practices, Pilates helps individuals develop a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional regulation.

As the mind-body connection is strengthened through Pilates practice, individuals can experience reduced stress levels, improved mood, and a greater sense of overall well-being.

By promoting balance and harmony within the body, Pilates can have a profound impact on emotional health, allowing individuals to feel more grounded, centred, and at peace in their own skin.

For me it is the slow exacting movements that bring a peace and stillness to the mind and the graceful movement makes you feel like a dancer. I wasn't expecting that. It's like a mild state of euphoria. A welcomed feeling.

So what can you expect to see and feel on cultivating a regular practice? Here's 10 reasons Pilates is great to nourish the skin you're in:

1. Improved circulation

Pilates exercises help increase blood flow to the skin, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to nourish and rejuvenate skin cells.

2. Stress relief

Pilates can help reduce stress levels, which can improve skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis that can be exacerbated by stress.

3. Increased flexibility

Pilates helps improve flexibility and range of motion, which can prevent skin tightness and wrinkling.

4. Muscle tone

Pilates strengthens and tones muscles, helping to firm and lift the skin for a more youthful appearance.

5. Better posture

Pilates focuses on core strength and alignment, which can improve posture and prevent sagging skin.

6. Detoxification

Pilates movements stimulate the lymphatic system, aiding in detoxification and improving the skin's overall health and appearance.

7. Reduced inflammation

Pilates can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can contribute to clearer, healthier skin.

8. Improved digestion

Pilates can help improve digestion and promote gut health, which can have a positive impact on skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. The Skin Elixir range is great for this too  - start with the multi award winning Organic Frankincense & May Chang Moisturiser.

9. Enhanced relaxation

Pilates incorporates breathing techniques and mindfulness practices that can help promote relaxation, leading to a more radiant complexion.

10. Increased self-confidence

Pilates can boost self-esteem and body confidence, helping you feel comfortable and confident in the skin you're in.
Thanks for reading. You can read more on Pilates here.
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