The Anti-inflammatory Elixir: 2 Week Elixir Challenge

What's the most asked question concerning skin on Google? Answer: What's the best way to prevent wrinkles? Well, what follows in this little blog is a breakdown of a health boosting tonic that will likely have a marvellous on not only bone, joint and tissue but on your skin too.

I'm on a mission to reduce inflammation in my big toe joint and following a quest for some answers I have come across a recipe which is said to both reduce inflammation and pain. Worth a go I'd say! The challenge will be in bothering as theres a few ingredients hiwever most can be bought in bulk and will last a week.. and I think this is worth a shot! Well actually an 8oz glass a day...

I'm on day two today and I have to say its a very pleasant drink which is also to my surprise filling and satiating. I'm hoping some of you will join me in a 2 week daily juicing challenge.

Here's the Super Elixir Recipe great for joints

4-5 stalks celery

1 cup spinach

1 cup fresh pineapple

1 apple chopped

1/2 lemon

1 inch fresh ginger (cut up and leave the ginger for 10 minutes to ensure it is most active

teaspoon turmeric

pinch cayenne pepper

A couple of fresh mint leaves

This will produce a tall glass. Blend ingredients and drink first thing on an empty stomach

Recipe courtesy of Dr Alan Mandell

Let's begin with Celery and look at why all these ingredients synergistically offer us such a potent healing elixir.



Celery contains luteolin which is a potent flavonoid, an anti-inflammatory that reduces inflammation. it also contains Polyacetylene known to reduce chronic joint pain whilst soothing nerves on account of its calming and relaxing properties. 


Antioxidant rich Spinach is packed with vitamin C which helps the body to make collagen,  needed to repair injuries. It also contains important compounds lutein, kaempferol, nitrates, quercetin and zeaxanthin known to reduce inflammation. Spinach is also a source of nitrates, which are naturally-occurring chemicals that dilate blood vessels helping to improve blood flow and ease stress on the heart.


Apples lower levels of c-reactive protein  a key marker of inflmamtion in the blood and are a great source of antioxidants.


Fresh Pineapple is loaded wtih nutrients and antioxidant rich compounds which help prevent oxidation in your body. Pineapple contains an group of enzymes called bromelain which triggers your body's ability to fight pain and works to reduce swelling. 


Lemon has high vitamin C concentration and flavonoid content, which are strong antioxidants and have anti inflammatory effects. Also a blood cleanser but acidic on the old gnashers.


Ginger is high in gingerol a compound with anti inflammatory properties. Ginger increases serotonin and dopamine levels. This can reduce inflammation, which may cause depression.


Turmeric contains compounds called curcuminoids, the most important one curcumin which is well documented as a powerful anti-inflammatory . Add a pinch of pepper to make it more bio-available and thus effective.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne can also help with pain and inflammation in joints and muscles. Containing the compound Capsaicin which has been well studied for its ability to improve blood flow which in turn can heal muscle and joint pain. Increased blood flow provides a source of healing nutrients to the tissue.


Mint contains the anti inflammatory agent rosmarinic acid.  It is also documented to improve mood.

What the most asked question concerning skin on Google?

What's the best way to prevent wrinkles? Here's one sensible answer, drink this elixir on a daily basis.

🌿The Skin Elixir blog is in the top 20 UK Skin Care Blogs.





