The Beauty of Phthalate-Free Perfumes

When I was pregnant with the twins who will be 11 next month I found that I could no longer stomach eau de parfum. It was like an instant rejection. This was a great shame as since a late teen I'd loved to layer scents, a fascination that began as a 14 year old on reading Patrick Süskind's book, Perfume. Then, later living in Nîmes, a city close to the town known for it's myriad perfumers, Grasse, I was able to satisfy my joy of aroma first hand which only deepened my love of scents. 

Fast forward to becoming pregnant, I found I would get headaches and feel immediately nauseous on even a sniff and so began life without wearing perfume.

It later became apparent that I'd become allergic to heady scents and on closer review it seemed to me that petroleum based chemicals,  phthalates were likely the cause.

Phthalates are a group of chemicals commonly used in plastics, cosmetics, and other consumer products. 

I knew in good time (I'm approaching 8 years now of running Skin Elixir - which involves creating the formulations and hand making each product in small batches) that I would get around to creating a perfume and now after months in the making I've this last week launched my first 100% natural, organic, vegan, cruelty-free eau de parfum.

I wanted to create something to compliment my small range of handmade skin nourishing skincare that would safely bring bliss to the skin and senses.

I don't know about you but for me it's important that perfume is skincare too. You can read about my first creation 'The Kiss of Lux Solaris' here which I make one bottle at a time.

To follow are 5 issues to consider before wearing perfume with phthalates which, by the way often masquerade on ingredients listings as 'fragrance'.

1. Endocrine disruption

Phthalates are known to disrupt the endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating hormones in the body. This disruption can lead to various health issues, including reproductive problems, developmental delays, and hormone imbalances.

2. Allergies and skin irritation

Phthalates can cause allergic reactions and skin irritations in some individuals. These reactions can manifest as redness, itching, and other skin discomforts. People with sensitive skin or pre-existing skin conditions are particularly vulnerable.

3. Carcinogenic potential

Some types of phthalates have been classified as potentially carcinogenic by various research organisations. Long-term exposure to these chemicals through perfume usage may increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer or liver cancer.

4. Respiratory issues

Inhaling phthalates present in perfume can trigger respiratory problems, especially in those with underlying respiratory conditions such as asthma. The chemicals can irritate the airways and exacerbate existing breathing difficulties.

5. Environmental impact

Phthalates are not only dangerous for human health but can also have detrimental effects on the environment. When perfumes containing phthalates are washed off during showers or disposed of improperly, the chemicals can enter water systems and potentially harm aquatic life. Additionally, the manufacturing and disposal processes of perfume containing phthalates contribute to overall environmental pollution.

 The Skin Elixir blog is currently number 6 in the top 20 UK Skin Care Blogs 
